All the tools needed to put together a professional store front on either the Internet or mobile device (Android or iPhone) can easily be made possible with tools on this website in collaboration with and popular front ends such as Angular, React, Vue and Flutter (for mobile devices) wil be update here on a regular basis
Streamlining the process of registering a domain name and then adding all essential Internet and mobile device tools to present the customer with a professional appearence is the essence of this site.
Supporting all three Javascript based front end tools allows the developer to select either of the three when sundden and unexpected changes occur to either of these front-end tools.
While Angular, React and Vue handle website front-end requirements the same functionality for mobile devices (Android or iPhone) are well supported using Flutter, (essentially hitting both platforms with the same source code base)
While Oracle and MySQL plus other SQL tools have been the hallmark for web servers since the 1980's all the basic database functionality for now are nicely managed via Google's Firebase backend